In this special artist spotlight, I had the pleasure of speaking to a dear friend of mine, world-class musician and Japanese native living in London, Mr Hidé Takemoto! I first met Hidé-san through social media, and then traveled to London to watch him perform!

Hidé is one of the few musicians I have met that has garnered a unique name through his skills, his is commonly referred to as ‘Magic Fingers’! A name truly deserved in my opinion! Contrary to the other artist spotlight posts I have done, this one will be more biographical - enjoy!
Check out this song and maybe you will see why Hidé has earned this name!
Hidé Takemoto - Magic Fingers
Describe yourself as an artist/guitar player?
“[I was] classically trained at Guildhall School of Music with a bachelor, performance and composer degree”
Hide was born and raised in the ancient capital city of Japan, Kyoto. He grew up listening to all manner of different musical styles, as is evident by his playing today, and eventually moved to London, United Kingdom in the early 2000s.
Not only is he an accomplished songwriter, the three albums of his I own a testament to that fact, but he is a talented arranger. I imagine that his training at the Guildhall School of Music helped forge this pathway.
Here are some examples of his arranging prowess:
Beautiful (Christina Aguilera)
Eyes Closed (Ed Sheeran)
Mombassa (Tommy Emmanuel)
Recently, Hidé was also to become an ambassador for Yamaha Music London - something he has told me he is extremely excited to be a part of in the year ahead!
Do You Have Any Guilty Pleasures When Playing the Guitar?
“Many! When I’m practicing alone and successfully hit the sweetest, tastiest E on 12th fret on the high E string, or when tremolo picking is controlled and so fast, ah, maybe this is noticeable as I look so satisfied on the stage! - I sing some songs like Ed Sheeran or some Japanese pop songs with my guitar”
I would not really class the first couple of points as guilty pleasures, but I can attest to the pure joy he exudes when playing on stage - his smile is infectious. When watching him perform, you experience joy not only because of his music, but because of how happy and content he is to simply play the guitar - it rubs off on you!
What Gear Do You Use? Why?
If you are reading this you are likely a guitar player, or you will at least know how we operate, and that we are obsessed with gear. Before we go in to the reasons behind the gear, let us take a look at gear the Hidé says is crucial to his work:

Cordoba Stage Traditional electro-nylon guitar,
Vanilla House Sound Lab cables,
Boss GE-7,
Boss TU-3 (app version),
Wampler Ego Compressor,
Boss RE-2,
Boss RC-5,
Electro-Harmonix Oceans 11,
Universal Audio Golden Reverberator.
“They are all necessary equipment I must have - some of them, like Boss GE-7 can be upgraded by TGI System Enigma or Source Audio EQ2, and I should get a nice tuner pedal”
He goes on to explain, regarding the tuner situation, that he typically plays in a solo format so, as long as he is in tune with himself, he is good to go! I get the sense that the equipment listed above has been chosen because it fits an exact purpose, and he also told me that it would be equally as comfortable with nothing but himself and a classical guitar on stage. Again, I have personal; experience here. A few years ago, whilst entertaining Hidé and others, I was preparing dinner whilst he made my battered old Yamaha classical make sounds I did not think were possible! Not a pedal or effect in sight!
“ - don’t get me wrong, I enjoy playing with the best of the best equipment - expensive or not. The truth is, quality equipment doesn’t only make great sound but also makes you feel great, hence you play with so much more joy and inspiration.”
This is very true! You do not need the best equipment, but if something inspires you because it looks cool, has some cool options or even just some prestige behind the brand name, that is not to be sniffed at! However, make sure that you always operate within your means, you can always create something amazing with whatever you have to hand (recall the old Yamaha story I mentioned earlier!).
For more advice on buying guitars, check out these blog posts by myself and fellow American Guitar Academy teacher, Ryan.
Playing the Guitar in Japan Vs the United Kingdom?
“To be honest, there’s no simple answer. I play the exact same song in the U.K. and in Japan, then the audience reaction can be totally different”
There are many other points made in our interview that I can agree with, having performed in both countries. This ranges from differences in the weather, the heat and humidity and also the voltage! I was lucky in that I chose equipment with variable voltage meaning I can use my equipment anywhere in the world with the correct adapter (though I sorely miss my Mesa Boogie Mark V:25!).
“- we don’t have many churches in Japan where the acoustic guitar sounds the best in my opinion! But saying that, it’s the best when you play the guitar with your best mates right next to you and have the best time!”
Career Highlights?
“I have had so many amazing opportunities playing for so many gigs and festivals as well as playing in Spain, France, Czech, and my first tour with TSUJI, a legendary Japanese singer and author (and a great cook!)”
Hopefully soon we can convince Hidé to come to Japan and play some special shows, maybe we can convince him to hold a special masterclass for the American Guitar Academy!?
Any Advice For Young or Inexperienced Guitar Players?
“Well, I’m not sure if I’m the right person to ask because I made an epic failure when I had my exam to get into Osaka College of Music. I didn’t know how to put new strings on my classical guitar and my top E string snapped off!”
We all have to start somewhere! I have a similar story! When I had my audition for Platform One College of Music on the Isle of Wight, United Kingdom, I decided to play the Judas Priest song ‘Breaking the Law’ - I had practiced the solo for weeks, and improved my tapping skills immeasurably. However, disaster struck when I had no idea how to use the amplifier I was provided with! I ended up playing the classical metal tune with a sparkly clean sound - I somehow still got accepted, thankfully. I am not sure that I would be writing this post now if that had not been successful!
“I still remember when I first performed in public, I was too nervous so I was looking down for the entire show!”
For more advice on playing live for the first time, check out my blog posts on the subject below:
“ - 99% of the reason I play the guitar is for the love for the guitar and not much else. I’ve been playing guitar for more than 30 years and still can’t imagine my life without guitar. Every time you touch the strings, it resonates with your skin, sometimes your entire body or heart, and if you can deliver that on the stage, you’re a pro. It’s totally up to you to spend time with your guitar at home or on stage!”
Upcoming Plans?
“My biggest project right now is to play with TSUJI in Corsica in September, but I’m currently playing music for the Handel Hendrix House in London this summer. I’m practicing hard to play my guitar over [my] head!”
Hidé also produces content for his own YouTube channel, showcasing some of his songs, gear reviews and live performances. He is also active on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok amongst many other platforms (check out the link below!).
Referencing the Vanilla House Sound Lab cables mentioned earlier, he is currently working on an exciting video review that he believes has completed his tone searching journey! I can not wait to check it out… I wonder if they are available in Japan?!
Final Thoughts
I thoroughly enjoyed chatting to the great Hidé Takemoto about all things music and his experiences - thank you for your time! I learned many things, and I hope that you did too! If you are interested, the full interview PDF will be made available in English and Japanese - see the link below.
I recall a conversation with Hidé a few months ago, where we joked about how we seem to have swapped places - his guitar playing took him from Japan to the United Kingdom, and my journey brought me from there to Japan.
Check out his material, follow all of the social media accounts and let us see if we can get him to Japan!